There’s a seat for you
at our table.
Welcome to the Vineyard.
What you see here is a snapshot of who we are -
family - and you are welcome at our house anytime.
Jesus told the story once about a man who held a great banquet…
As the story goes - there were several folks on the original guest list… but most of them had more excuses than excitement about attending. Determined to have a full house, the man ordered his servants to, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’ When that didn’t do the trick - he sent them out again, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.’
We also want a full house. We genuinely delight in the Love of God. We know the difference it makes in our lives, the healing it provides, and we are here to create space for more to join us at His table.
We hope you’ll join us - we would be honored to have you pull up a chair.
Let Us Know You’re Coming
You don’t have to fill it out, but if you do, then one of us will be waiting for you at the front door to show you around. We will help you find your way around campus, get your kids checked in for Kid’s Church, and most important, point you to the coffee! We want to make sure you feel at home and know your way around.